adult epileptic seizures
Are the epileptic seizures or convulsions that occur after adolescence for adults and the elderly.
The importance of knowing about usually has a reason, that is, not just an increase in the electrical activity of the brain.
Ok, what are the reasons:
1- Superficial strokes, meaning those that occur in the cerebral cortex and move inward, will cause tension in the cerebral cortex, and thus will lead to the occurrence of an epileptic focus that leads to the occurrence of recurrent seizures.
In this case, the patient may complain of weakness or longitudinal hemiparesis on the side opposite to the place of the stroke, meaning if it is on the left side of the brain, the weakness will be on the right, and even on the right side of the brain, the weakness will be on the left side of the body,,,,, in addition to symptoms such as stuttering or lack of speech. Understanding the audible speech,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and other various symptoms according to the place or the nerve center that was affected by the stroke.
2- Brain tumors of various kinds, whether they are benign from the cerebral cortex, or malignant from brain cells, or secondary, meaning their source is any organ in the body (skin, liver, digestive system, lung, breast). The first symptom or one of the first symptoms is partial or complete convulsions (partial convulsions the patient retains his consciousness and memory during the seizure. As for the complete seizure, the patient loses consciousness and does not remember what happened to him).
3- Cerebral hematomas, in a large proportion of them are located on the cerebral cortex and as a result of their increase in size, they put pressure on the brain and put tension on the cerebral cortex and lead to the occurrence of epileptic seizures. Or without increasing the volume, it can bleed, and the hemorrhage will be the cause of the tension in the cerebral cortex, and thus the occurrence of epileptic seizures. Of course, in addition to the occurrence of accompanying symptoms, according to the location of the nevus.
4- The true arterial aneurysm is very small when it is on the cerebral cortex, because it always occurs in places where the large and medium cerebral arteries are located in minute cavities of the arachnoid pain called cerebral cisterns. But in the event of bleeding from this arterial aneurysm, it will be severe bleeding resulting from the explosion of the arterial aneurysm, and this is accompanied by a severe headache, which is the worst type of headache at all, and weakness in the cerebral nerves that come out of the brain stem (such as the nerves that move the eye, the fifth nerve, the seventh nerve,,,, ,,,,). In addition to the possibility of major epileptic seizures and impaired awareness.
5- Increasing the electroencephalogram of the brain, which leads to the occurrence of epileptic seizures, without having an organic cause from the previous causes. This will be a dysfunction as a result of an increase or deficiency of certain substances in the brain. We treat it like normal epileptic seizures, which appear in the early stages of life.6- Reasons not related to the nervous system and lead to the occurrence of epileptic seizures....and may be the result of systemic diseases or impairment of the metabolic process This is what it is, patients with liver failure Those who enter a hepatic coma will have epileptic fits and their treatment is not purely epilepsy medications. On the contrary, epilepsy medications will provide liver disease, but the treatment will be with enemas and the medications recommended by doctors in the specialization of the digestive system, endemic diseases and the liver. patients with diabetes or diabetes, in the event of a diabetic coma, the patient may also be exposed to epileptic seizures and its treatment is the treatment of diabetes not the treatment of epilepsy the coma caused by the lack or excess of sodium and potassium in the body It will have epileptic fits and be treated by specialists in critical cases and intensive care, with compensation for the decrease or increase according to the case.
Brain hemorrhage is one of the most common causes of death and also one of the very famous diseases for the occurrence of a deep coma accompanied by weakness or longitudinal hemiplegia. It is also one of the causes of sudden convulsions that occur in old age. It may occur within one or more lobes of the brain or be under the arachnoid pain or be in the ventricles of the brain or be in more than one of these places in the same The most dangerous time, of course.
The known causes are: a sharp rise in blood pressure or an eruption of a nevus, or an arterial aneurysm rupture or misuse of anticoagulants (anticoagulants).or head injuries or some late cases of patients with liver failure
The treatment is usually directed directly to control the cause, and it is usually a conservative pharmacological treatment, such as cases of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis or liver failure problems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or an interventional cerebral catheterization such as Cases of arterial aneurysms and cerebral hematomas The one in which the bleeding is large and occupies one or more lobes in one place in the brain, and an example of this type is the rays presented to you, explaining the situation before and after the surgical removal.